My Game-Dev skills:


I like to use Unity to make my own projects and I feel very confident with this engine. All the Game Jams I have done are all made with Unity and I think that it is a great tool to work with because of all the helpful community around it.

Unreal Engine

This is the engine I am now using to develop the final Master's Degree project with my colleagues. I am finding it very interesting and very powerful, I am having a blast learning!
I can not wait to have more knowledge with this game engine to start making my own personal projects!.

My skills:

Social skills

I consider myself someone that is easy to work with.
I have worked in personal projects and Game Jams with distinct people of the industry, since designers to artists, and I have always achieved what I consider good communication. I like to share my personal opinion and ideas as I like to listen and learn from others.

Critical skills

A perfect result is not always obtainable, but it is important that the work development is as faultless as possible. I take into consideration a lot of aspects of the own team so that the initial vission of the project can be a reality and not only an idea. It is important to have ambition, but the key is to know the limits of our own possibilities to achieve them.

Assertive skills

Sometimes working with people is not easy, everybody has their own personality and workflow so it is important to know the strength of every individual regarding the development to know where they can stand out.
As a programmer, communication with other teammates is crucial, not crushing other people's targets and keeping personal objectives is a big step towards the success of the project.

Project management skills

Even if I have not worked in game direction, I see the project management as a very necessary tool since the beginning of the project and that is why I am interested in the production and development of videogames.
A dysfunctional program can cost some weeks to repair but a deficent project management can hurt the entirety of the project.



Master's Degree Final Project.

2-SMRT to die is a mix between a platform and a puzzle videogame in which you’ll have to use your deaths to solve the puzzles and pass the level. You take control of a really cute racoon that, due to the difficulties of scaping a laboratory, will die in horrible and gore ways.

El laberinto de Teseo y el Minotauro en un entorno virtual: Desarrollo de dos agentes usando aprendizaje por refuerzo en Unity

Bachelor's Degree Final Project.

Implementing Machine Learning (Reinforcement learning) in Unity using the ML-Agents toolkit and applying it to the legend of Theseus and the Minotaur.

Game Jams:

Winner of the INNOVATIVE prize!


Lead the ships in the darkness in this arcade game!

What have I done:
I worked as a programmer on this project, implementing most of the UI and its functionality.

Some examples:
- The Level Management.
- The Boat movement.
- The Shop and General UI functionality.


In this game, you must collaborate and synchronize to reach the end of the level. Avoid the spikes, jump and roll to finish the level.
And don't trust the purple rings.

What have I done:
I worked as a programmer alongside the designers as an assistant to translate their ideas to code.

Some examples:
- Having two Players making a mirror-like effect.
- Applying shadow boxes as narrative element.

Winner of the 3rd prize!


The year is 2050. Your job is to breed the perfect pumpkin for this year's Halloween. Your tool will be proteomics modification. Your challenge will be to avoid disastrous consequences for the ecosystem. Will you be able to overcome these challenges? Will you find out what the mysterious Kalabanzer is?

What have I done:
I worked as a programmer on this project, mostly on the interaction of the UI with the player.

Some examples:
- The menu and intro.
- Movement of the components when discarding, adding, applying or idling.

Interesting media:

Latest entry on my blog:

La búsqueda de la mejor plataforma de juegos… Hoy Steam

En esta entrada hablaré sobre cuánto cuesta subir juegos en Steam, además, haré un análisis de su flujo de usuarios junto a la opinión general de los usuarios sobre la plataforma.